[RPA has] a return on investment that varies between 30 and as much as 200 percent in the first year
Consumer spending via bots is predicted to hit $142 billion by 2024
Robots are coming. Automated quotations are here. Niche brokers sales teams can use more than half of their time generating quotes across multiple Insurer portals as well as manual or spreadsheet calculations for delegated rates. This is time your sales team should be using expert specialist knowledge advising customers
Collecting analytics information in this environment is very difficult, reducing the capability of the business to adapt and respond to market changes. Variations are time consuming and frustrating to generate. Full market comparisons are rare due to the time it takes to re-key a single quote. Errors are very common as re-inputting the same information in over and over again inevitably leads to mistakes. And at renewal time, the whole process has to start again for invite quote comparisons
Now full niche market comparison is here, utilising a mixture of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), Insurer APIs, System configured internal rate calculations. Holding all risk data centrally with the capability to copy risk questionsets to create variations, automate renewals cross-market quote comparisons, and view live KPI and report information for performance on conversion – by source, employee, class, time